Strong revenue and profit growth; successful Studios investment strategy continues 


  • Total revenue +20% and adjusted operating profit +33% (compared to H1 2023)
    • Statutory operating profit £6.5m (2023: nil)
  • Growth strategy continues to deliver:
    • Studios revenue +38% with improved forward order book of £101m
    • Digital pre-commission sales +14% with strong profit margin maintained
    • Broadcast revenue +12% and adjusted operating profit +47%
  • Improved advertising market in H1 with total advertising revenue (pre commission) +13%; Q3 expected to be up low single digit year on year
  • Incremental investment in producer Hello Halo (from 30% to 51%) completed 30 August; deal is earnings-enhancing from day 1
  • Good on-screen performance in H1, boosted by Euro 2024
  • Board proposes interim dividend of 3.9p, in line with 2023

Financial Summary – 6 months to 30 June



vs 2023





Total advertising revenue (pre commission)




Operating profit




Adjusted operating profit*




Profit after tax




Statutory basic EPS




Adjusted basic EPS*




Net debt+




Dividend per share




* For reconciliation of adjusted to statutory measures see note 8
+ Excluding lease liabilities (see note 20)
From the date of acquisition, Two Cities Television Limited and subsidiary undertakings contributed £18.5m of revenue and £1.4m of adjusted operating profit to the Group’s results.

Financial highlights

  • Total revenue of £90.4m, +20% on 2023, driven by acquisition-related growth in Studios and an improving advertising market
  • Group adjusted operating profit of £10.6m, +33% on 2023, as Broadcast profitability bounces back and Studios and Digital margins both maintained
  • Total advertising revenue (pre commission) of £51.9m, +13%
  • Studios revenue of £37.5m, +38%, with adjusted operating profit of £0.1m, in line with H1 2023, due to drama activity and performance of acquired production companies, with strong H2 profitability from expected seasonal second-half weighting
  • Digital pre-commission sales of £11.5m, +14% with digital adjusted operating profit flat at £5.0m and operating margin of 49%
  • Regional advertising revenue up 1% at £7.4m, with core Scottish SME advertising +12%
  • Cost savings of £0.7m in H1; on track to achieve £1.5m target for full year 2024
  • Good progress made towards agreeing 2023 pension triennial valuation; expect to conclude shortly
  • Net debt of £28.0m, down on the opening position of £32.3m at start of period

Good audience performance

  • STV & STV Player combined still the clear number 1 for commercial audiences in Scotland
    • 21% share of total peak commercial audience in H1 2024, +1% on 2023 (vs Netflix 12%, Sky 8% and C4 6%)
    • 495 of top 500 commercial audiences were on STV in H1 2024 (99%)
  • STV was the most watched peaktime TV channel in Scotland for the 7th first half-year in a row with a viewing share of 22.2%
    • Average STV viewer spends 1 hour 45 minutes with the channel each day
    • Mr Bates vs The Post Office was the biggest drama launch across all channels and streamers in H1
    • STV’s Euros coverage tracked 3 share points ahead of ITV, with Germany vs Scotland peaking at 1.38m viewers, the largest audience of 2024 on any channel

Continued strategic momentum and execution

  • Studios: STV Studios growing in a tough market, with investment strategy delivering tangible results:
    • Increased stake (30 Aug 24) from 30% to 51% in profitable, Glasgow-based unscripted formats creator Hello Halo, with strong return on invested capital expected in the short-term
    • Benefits of Studios portfolio strategy being accelerated, with stakes increased in five high potential creative labels in the last 6 months, while exiting four others
    • Greenbird integration predominantly complete delivering £1m p.a. synergies
    • 36 new programme commissions so far in 2024, 7 more than in H1 2023
    • Includes high value recommissions of Criminal Record (Apple TV+), Blue Lights series 3&4 (BBC) and The Fortune Hotel (ITV1)
    • Strongest ever Studios forward order book of £101m at end July 2024, +£15m since end May
      • Revenue of £19m recognised over June/July with future revenue associated with commissioning wins in same period of £34m 
  • Digital: STV Player delivered its most successful first half ever, driven by Euro 2024:
    • Online streams of 73m, +4%, with online consumption of 34m hours, down 5% due to lower drama hours
    • VOD advertising revenue +13%, showing benefits of new ITV partnership
    • Digital live viewing +33%; 18-34 streams +35%; male streams +23%
    • Active registered users of 1.6m, +33%, and STV Player VIP users +19%
    • Continued strong performance of STV 3rd party content, with new 10-show deal in place with Disney and over 20m Brookside streams since launch
    • UK Government Media Act now enshrined in law and will guarantee prominence for STV Player on all major digital platforms 
  • Scottish advertising: Back to growth in H1, with SME advertising up strongly
    • Scottish regional advertising +1%, with SME advertising +12%
    • SMEs now 94% of total regional ad spend, up 9% from H1 2023 (Scottish Govt. now only 6% of spend)
    • Scottish VOD revenue +13% in H1, with 60% of brands combining linear and VOD, showing strength of combined sell
    • 400+ new advertisers attracted to STV since launch of STV Growth Fund
  • On track to deliver new 3 year strategy and targets: Next-phase strategic plan announced in March 2024 to drive STV’s profitable growth, with strategic objectives focusing on four key areas:
    • CONTENT: Accelerate UK and international Studios growth
    • AUDIENCE: Drive streaming growth and maximise total STV viewing
    • MONETISATION: Maintain advertising leadership and grow new revenues
    • ORGANISATION: Modernise and simplify business for digital-first world
  • New financial targets by the end of 2026 will see STV:
    • Double Studios revenues to £140m with a target to achieve a 10% margin
    • Grow Digital revenues by a further 50% to £30m* at a margin of at least 40%
    • Increase international revenues to 15% of Group / 25% of Studios
    • Achieve a further £5m p.a. savings in STV’s cost base

* before commission


  • Advertising market showing good growth so far in 2024
    • Strong H1 TAR +13%
    • Q3 TAR expected to be up low single digits year on year
    • Q4 comparator includes RWC in 2023
  • Studios forward order book stronger than ever
    • £101m secured revenue atend July 2024, +£15m since May
    • Full year Studios performance expected to be ahead of 2023
  • Cost savings plan on track
    • On course to meet £1.5m target for 2024
    • Clear line of sight to achieve run rate of £5m p.a. by 2026


  • The Board proposes an interim dividend of 3.9p per share, in line with H1 2023, after considering all relevant factors including ongoing macroeconomic uncertainty
  • The Board remains committed to a balanced approach to capital allocation across investing for growth, fulfilling our pension obligations, and paying a sustainable, progressive dividend to shareholders

Blockquote open Over the last 6 years STV has been successfully transformed into a digital-first media company with a high-growth streaming service and one of the UK’s leading television production groups. This strong progress continues in 2024, with revenue and profit both up materially in the first half, reflecting our audience performance, the improving advertising market, and our creative strength in STV Studios, as we continue the successful execution of our growth plan.

Our production investment strategy is delivering tangible results, with STV Studios continuing its strong revenue growth in the first half, and we have today announced an exciting new deal to take majority control of profitable unscripted formats creator, Hello Halo. With high value recommissions of series like Criminal Record for Apple TV+ and The Fortune Hotel for ITV also secured, we have our strongest ever future order book in Studios at £101m in programme commissions.

Our audience position remains unrivalled, with STV again the most-watched peaktime TV channel in Scotland, ahead of BBC1, and with nearly double the audience share of Netflix. Euro 2024 was a major audience and commercial success, propelling STV Player to its most successful first half-year ever in terms of streams and delivering the most watched TV moment of the year so far, with the Germany vs Scotland opening game peaking at 1.38m viewers in Scotland.

We are on track to deliver our stretching new growth targets out to 2026, and with a fantastic team in place I’m confident Rufus Radcliffe and the Board will take the business to new heights in the years ahead. Blockquote close

Simon Pitts Chief Executive, STV

There will be a presentation for analysts today, 3 September 2024, at 12.30 pm, via Zoom. Should you wish to attend the presentation, please contact Angela Wilson, or telephone: 0141 300 3000.


STV Group plc:

Kirstin Stevenson, Head of Communications, Tel: 07803 970 106


Geoffrey Pelham-Lane, Partner, Tel: 07733 124 226

Ben Woodford, Partner, Tel: 07790 653 341

Financial and operating review

Click to read our interim financial statements.